Why Visit Us

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  • To prevent Gum disease - Gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) causes bleeding gums, painful gums, bad breath and loose teeth. Gum disease can be treated, stopped and even reversed if caught in its early stages. Your hygienist will not only treat and prevent gum disease, but will help you prevent it yourself at home with a better oral hygiene habits.

  • To prevent other diseases - Poor dental hygiene has been linked to the development of several diseases including: heart disease, diabetes and respiratory problems.

  • To prevent oral cancer - When you have a dental hygiene appointment, your hygienist is also screening you for oral cancer. Oral cancer is highly curable if detected early. Your hygienist will give you advice on risk factors for oral cancer and how to reduce them.

  • To detect other dental problems -

    It may be that you are not seeing a dentist regularly, your hygienist may be able to pick up on problems such as early decay, defective fillings or infections that you would otherwise have been unaware of.

  • To have a whiter smile - External stains that build on your teeth cannot be removed by brushing alone. These stains are often the result of tea, coffee, tobacco, red wine or other dietary factors. Your hygienist has many ways of removing these stains to restore your teeth to their natural whiteness.

  • To get expert advice - Dental hygienists do more than just clean teeth. They also offer advice on how you can best achieve and maintain good oral health for a lifetime.

  • To improve self-esteem and confidence - If your mouth feels clean, it makes you feel good. The feeling of fresher breath makes us more comfortable talking with people. Knowing that healthy gums can improve your general health can also make you feel good about yourself.